The under-five mortality in Nepal has reduced markedly from 118 (NFHS 1996) to 54 (NDHS 2011) children per thousand live births, which comparatively is still high and the leading causes of which are pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, malaria and malnutrition.
The CB-IMCI program of Nepal started in 1997-98 in phased wise manner and is globally well recognized because of its strong community case management components in which peripheral health workers particularly the female community health volunteers (FCHV) treat pneumonia and diarrhea in under 5 children. Lifeline leadership has long been involved since the inception phase of CB-IMCI to nation-wide scale up.
Lifeline Nepal offers services to:
- Coordinate with concerned stakeholders in the field of child health in developing and revising policy, program guidelines, standard protocols, and training package.
- Implement revised training package and monitor the program.
- Research, pilot and scale up new intervention to address the needs of the sick child with a comprehensive approach from prenatal stage up to age five.