Nepal’s Neonatal Mortality rate is 33 per 1000 live births. Reduction of neonatal mortality remains a major challenge for the health system of Nepal. Infection, birth asphyxia, low birth weight and hypothermia are the main causes of neonatal death.
To address this, the MOHP and its partners developed a community based neonatal care package (CB-NCP), which focuses on seven major components: behavior change communication, promotion of institutional delivery, postnatal follow up, management of infections, low birth weight, hypothermia and birth asphyxia. Lifeline Nepal’s leadership is intensively involved in CB-NCP package development including training, recording and reporting formats development.
Lifeline Nepal offers services to:
- Coordinate with concerned stakeholders in the field of neonatal health in developing and revising policy, program guidelines, standard protocols, and training package.
- Implement the training package, and routinely monitor the program.
- Research, pilot and scale up new intervention to address the needs of the sick neonates with a comprehensive approach.