
Nepal is notoriously food insecure mostly due to its topography. Malnutrition rate are high. 41% of children under five are stunted, 29 % are under weight and 11 % are wasted. . The population, especially mothers and children will be at increased risk of moderate and severe acute malnutrition if there is a lack of production and the access to appropriate and adequate food and reduced access to the health & nutrition services. Additionally the risk may be increased by the lack of support for the mothers for breastfeeding, complementary feeding. One of the major priorities of Lifeline Nepal is to primarily focus on improving the nutritional status of mother and children as well as of the marginalized and disadvantaged population.

Lifeline Nepal offers services to:

  • Coordination with stakeholders for developing and revising agriculture and nutrition related policy, program guidelines, standard protocols, and training package
  • Empowerment of community health workers on nutrition through BCC and other methods for improvement of the nutritional status of the entire community.
  • Research, pilot and scale up new intervention to address the needs of the proper nutrition with a comprehensive approach.