
1. A case study on Collaborative Planning of the Lymphatic Filiariasis campaigns and the
Vitamin A Supplementation campaign, Nepal: Prospects and Challenges for
Integration (partial integration) -2021
The project is awarded by the Task Force for Global Health (TFGH) under Health Campaign Effectiveness (HCE) program with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The objective of the program was to ”to improve health campaign effectiveness through full or partial campaign integration and share promising practices in collaborative planning”.
The activities carried out were as following:
- Formation/taping existing integrated technical working group which provide guidelines, feedback and approval
- Developed orientation guidelines
- Debriefing project in the Province level and Municipality Level Planning meeting for the Orientations of the Health workers and FCHVs
- Orientation of HWs and FCHVs and micro-planning
- Micro-planning to improving coverage and particularly to Reaching the hard-to-reach people
- FGD & In-depth Interview, KIIs with stakeholders (Federal, Province and Municipality)
- Dissemination meeting in the Kathmandu to share lesson learnt and get feedback

2. Assessment of ICD – 10 Implementation and Capacity in Health Facilities of Nepal – November – December 2019.
The contract was awarded by WHO/Nepal. The assessment team designed and conducted qualitative study of health facilities in Nepal to look for gaps in ICD-10 implementation and capacity. Hospital Chiefs, Medical Recorders in hospitals, Provincial Health Directors, Health Section Chiefs of the MoSD, and PHCC/HP in-charges were sampled purposively, with one of each type of health professional included in each of seven provinces. In total, 35 interviews were conducted:
- Developed research, design, and evaluation tools
- Designed protocols
- Conducted a desk review of program documents
- Conducted interviaews and data collection and nalysis

3. Consultancy services for joint monitoring mission of national TB program (in depth review). May 26 to June 9, 2019.
The contract was awarded by Save the Children/Nepal. The following activities were carried out:
- The in-depth review of the program – assessed progress made and recommendation for improving the program performance to meet the end TB targets.
- Reviewed case finding, diagnosis and treatment and surveillance system for TB and research needs of the National TB Program of Nepal
- Analyzed the current program performance and evaluate progress with focus on case finding, diagnoses, surveillance system.
- Reviewed all the recording and reporting practices of the national TB program and come up with appropriate recommendations for improvement.
- Supported the team lead and ordinance filed visit and help write the mission report.
- Prepared and delivered a final report in proper coordination with all the subgroup leaders and submits to NTP Nepal within the set timeline.

4. Qualitative and quantitative study on quality improvement intervention for perinatal care in Nepal (NePeriQIP) – March – 2018 – December 2018 – 12 hospitals
HEAL Group staffs have collected qualitative and quantitative data from 12 public hospitals in Nepal in coordination with Golden Community and Uppsala University of Sweden. 12 hospitals are -Western Regional Hospital, Mid-Western Regional Hospital, Bardiya District Hospital, Bharatpur Hospital, Seti Zonal Hospital, Nuwakot District Hospital, Koshi Zonal Hospital, Rapti Sub-Regional Hospital, Nawalparasi District Hospital, Lumbini Zonal Hospital Bheri Zonal Hospital, Pyuthan District Hospital.

6. Qualitative and Quantitative Study on EN-SMILING Project – Jan to July 15, 2018 -Contract awarded by Golden Community
The following activities were conducted:
- Data Collection tools – Different qualitative and quantitative tools were developed
- Data Collector training – A 7 days data collectors’ training was organized starting from May 20- 26, 2018. Total 24 data collectors participated in the training.
- The rationale for training was to orient data collectors regarding EN-BIRTH and EN-SMILING and henceforth prepare them to administer different early child development (ECD) screening tools alongside other EN-SMILING data collection tools, such as health questionnaires. It includes clinical testing with children and their caregivers/ mothers, as well as interview training for phone call follow up system.
- 6 weeks follow-up; qualitative and quantitative data collection – with 187 caretakers, 3 months follow-up qualitative and quantitative data collection with 40 caretakers, 6 months follow-up qualitative and quantitative data collection with 95 caretakers and 9 months follow-up with 34 caretakers completed.
- Golden community awarded a grant to support of every newborn – Simplified measurement integrating longitudinal neurodevelopment and growth (ENSMILING). The principal donor of the grant was London School of hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

7. Study on effect of delayed versus early cord clamping in healthy neonates on infant anemia at 8 and 12 months
The study included 540 late preterm and term infants born vaginally at a tertiary hospital in Kathmandu involving blood levels of hemoglobin and ferritin at 8 and 12 months of age. Analysis was based on intention to treat.
- Recruit and manage research participants
- Conduct household data collection utilizing TIPS methodology
- Provide data sets after cleaning and coding
- Contribute to analysis and presentation of findings

8. Protection of Children against Vaccine Preventable Disease by Strengthening Effective Vaccine Management
Among the factors contributing the child survival in Nepal, successful delivery of vaccines is essential to prevent deaths and disability due to disease. However, the constrains still remains in terms of the scare human resources unable to cope up with the new requirement for temperature sensitive vaccines, and also to the cold chain equipment which needs maintenance and repair on a periodic basis, real time information on the equipment status and stock management of the vaccines.
HEAL Group Staff provided technical assistance to Ministry of Health and Population harnessing the individual capacity in improving the efficiency of supply chain management (SCM), strengthening the vaccine information system (VIM) and human resource for vaccine management (HRVM).
HEAL Group staff provided technical assistance to MoHP at one central, 5 regional and 30 district vaccine stores for strengthening the human resource capacity of implementing the standard operational protocol for effective vaccine management, providing technical assistance for scientific delivery and stock management of the vaccines, capacity transfer for cold chain equipment maintenance and repair, optimizing the cold chain space and rooms by auctioning and disposing the old and poor performing equipment. The joint technical assistance will support the central Ministry of Health to develop specification for cold chain equipment and equipment forecast, create a cool chain equipment informational website hub and develop plans for rational equipment replacement and expansion planning and develop infrastructure to improve installation and repair services.
Project Areas: Six regional medical stores and 30 districts
Project Activities:
- Formation of Central Level Multi-Stakeholder Effective Vaccine Management Monitoring
- Review meeting of the Multi-stakeholder Effective Vaccine Management Monitoring Team
- Development of the revised standard operating Procedure for Effective Vaccine Management
- Development of the training manuals, job aids, quality monitoring checklist for EVM.
- Central level Training of Trainers on SOP for EVM
- Review and adapt the cold chain equipment specification and forecast for next 5 years at central, regional and district level
- Review and adapt the web-based vaccine status and stock management software
- Orientation to the Central level staff on web-based vaccine status and stock management
- Support auctioning/disposal of non-functional cold chain equipment at central level
- Routine Quality monitoring of regional vaccine stores`
- Regional level training of trainers on EVM
- Regional level training on establishing EVM quality monitoring
- Repair and maintenance of cold chain equipment
- On-site mentoring to refrigerator technician and EPI person
- Capacity building of the refrigerator technician on maintenance and electronic temperature monitoring reporting of cold chain equipment
- Weekly reporting on the regional vaccine status of stock management from the regional level
- Support auctioning/disposal of the non-functioning cold chain equipment and materials
- Collection and update of status and number of cold chain equipment from 30 districts and sub-districts
- Review existing projected capacity and calculate future cold chain capacity
- Dissemination of projected cold chain capacity

9. Implementation of MNCH including Nutrition Program in Earthquake Affected Districts
HEAL Group staff supported result oriented essential actions on MNCHN that encompass proper sanitation and hygiene including latrine facilities, access to clean water and hand washing practices, clean delivery as well as essential breast feeding of new born, infants and young child feeding, their growth and development and appropriate nutritional care of both mother and child through home visits, BCC sessions and institution services at HFs. The project objectives were:
- To resume basic health services in the earthquake affected communities of 16 VDCs in Dolakha and 13 VDCs in Sindhupalchok districts focusing on pregnant & lactating mothers including under five children by providing:
- Irish tent
- Temporary toilet for tent.
- Water tank for storage (500 liter)
- Water tank for hand washing (200 liter)
- To improve the status of maternal and child health through balancing between the institution services at health facilities and community actions through home visit together for effective MNCHN promotion in the community.
- To make quality MNCHN services at health facility and provide essential actions through home visit focused on safe delivery, new born baby and nutrition care and actions.
- To improve the household health and nutrition behaviors
- To improve water sanitation and hygiene behaviors and practices (BCC Session)
Project Activities:
- HEAL Group Staff worked for four months at 13 VDCs of Sindhupalchowk and 16 VDCs of Dolakha in order to enhance the Community actions through home visit, nine hundred ninety five in Dolakha and seven hundred sixty one in Sindhupalchowk district were focused for functional health seeking behavior and referral system to utilize the institutional services at HFs.
- BCC sessions (fifty four in Dolakha, thirty three in Sindhupalchowk) were conducted among the pregnant, lactating mothers & under five children mothers after ANC/PNC mapping and neonatal assessment through brochures and running nutritive cooking session at CFS.
- Resumption of health services was done after RH assessment of the Health Facilities by providing one hundred seventy five Irish tents.
- Six hundred sixty two Clean Delivery kit as well as Seven Hundred Eighty Five Neonatal kit has been provided in order to prevent morbidity and mortality rate.
- BCC session was conducted throughout the program which has been further improved through delivery of five hundred warm clothes to the postnatal mothers and newborns, mothers group meeting by the FCHVs in the ward level,
- Delivery of the equipments such as cupboard, plastic chair, plastic bucket, plastic table to the health facilities, construction of the WASH facilities (temporary toilet in twenty three health facilities and water tank frame in twenty six health facilities of both working districts).
- Counsel 1,000 days women including mothers of under five children on maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN)
- Organized meeting and workshops with FCHV and Mother’s group at health facility to share the programs and collect information about ANC, PNC, & under five children and made community level awareness ceation activities
- Dissemination of MNCH promotional messages was done through five F.M. of the Sindhupalchowk namely Radio Sindhu, Radio Melamchi, Radio Planet, Youth F.M. Radio Sunkoshi similarly in Dolakha Radio Sailungee, Radio Bhimeshwor, Radio Kalinchowk, Hamro Radio were selected.
- HEAL Group Staff organized the district level coordination meetings & program review meeting with DHO to advocate for program issues (District).

10. Strengthening the Program on Zinc and ORS in Treatment for Childhood Diarrhea
HEAL Group staff successfully accomplished the project for “Strengthening the program on Zinc and ORS in treatment for childhood diarrhea” in 13 districts in 2014/15 in close consultations with Child Health Division (CHD), District (Public) Health Offices, District Development Committees and other related stakeholders with the support from Micronutrient Initiative (MI), Program Objectives:
- To improve utilization of Zinc and ORS through adequate counseling and explaining benefits of zinc and ORS caretakers/mothers
- To improve forecasting procuring and stock control of zinc and ORS at district level and health facility level
- To improve the recording and reporting and increase the use of HMIS for planning and corrective actions at district and health facility levels
Districts Covered: Parsa, Kavre, Mahotarrai, Morang, Jhapa, Nuwakot, Gulmi, Dolpa, Dhading, Palpa, Rautahat, Khotang, Ilam
Project Activities;
- Orientation and ToT for in-charges of Primary Health Care Center (PHCC), health post (HP) and Sub- health post (SHP) in each project district.
- Refresher orientation for FCHV in each health facility of the program district by respective health facility In-charge
- Orientation for private pharmacies at district headquarters to enhance knowledge on importance of zinc in treatment of childhood diarrhea.
- Coordination with CHD, D/PHOs, MI and other relevant stakeholders for scheduling the district ToT and orientation
- Regular monitoring to ensure that the quality of training as per standards and guidelines.
Status of Trained Personnel
SN | Districts | District Level Supervisor | Pharm | HF level Staff | VDC HFWs | VDC FCHVs | Total |
1 | Parsa | 26 | 26 | 86 | 299 | 739 | 1176 |
2 | Kavre | 15 | 13 | 94 | 429 | 914 | 1465 |
3 | Mahottari | 34 | 16 | 77 | 369 | 684 | 1180 |
4 | Morang | 24 | 24 | 79 | 371 | 597 | 1095 |
5 | Jhapa | 17 | 19 | 48 | 273 | 524 | 881 |
6 | Nuwakot | 27 | 25 | 68 | 216 | 1074 | 1415 |
7 | Gulmi | 17 | 25 | 80 | 309 | 997 | 1428 |
8 | Dolpa | 17 | 18 | 22 | 79 | 207 | 343 |
9 | Dhading | 18 | 25 | 52 | 379 | 464 | 938 |
10 | Palpa | 34 | 25 | 67 | 235 | 588 | 949 |
11 | Rautahat | 32 | 25 | 99 | 288 | 933 | 1377 |
12 | Khotang | 30 | 23 | 76 | 185 | 899 | 1213 |
13 | Ilam | 17 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
| Total | 308 | 277 | 848 | 3432 | 8625 | 13490 |

11. Baseline Survey of ACCESS/PAHUNCH (Healthy pregnancy and safe birth through increased Access to safe motherhood services in Bajura District
HEAL Group carried out the base‐line survey in the project VDCs targeting the beneficiaries and the relevant stakeholders. The findings were consolidated to establish a project-based understanding on Reproductive Health, Maternal Health, and Neonatal Health across all the VDCs of Bajura district.
The baseline survey was determined benchmarks for target setting within each objective, as per the indicators set out in the log‐frame, to validate if the activities within the project design were sufficient in scale and scope in order to meet these targets; and to identify opportunities for the sustainability of the project. Furthermore, it served as a guideline for making amendments to the M&E guideline and plan of the project.
Project Objective: The overall objective of this baseline survey was to establish a baseline status on Sexual Reproductive Health, Maternal and Neonatal health in Bajura district of Nepal.
Project District: Bajura
Following were the areas explored by the baseline survey:
- Assessment of the need of Birthing Centers and service providers to provide quality health service at birthing centers
- Exploration of service utilization and issues, constraints and problems
- Identification of the prevailing health and contributing social conditions and health problems affecting women of reproductive age and neonates within the project VDCs
- Assessment of current levels of knowledge, attitudes and practice towards maternal and child health among community people
- Identification of the status of the district/community health systems to implement maternal, neonatal and reproductive health services
- Assessment of the status of community mobilization to ensure the access to and utilization of maternal and child health services
- Assessment of the status of enabling factors and barriers on MNH service utilization