
Assessment of ICD – 10 Implementation and Capacity in Health Facilities of Nepal
The assessment team designed and conducted qualitative study of health facilities in Nepal to look for gaps in ICD-10 implementation and capacity. Hospital Chiefs, Medical Recorders in hospitals, Provincial Health Directors, Health Section Chiefs of the MoSD, and PHCC/HP in-charges were sampled purposively, with one of each type of health professional included in each of seven provinces. In total, 35 interviews were conducted
If you want to conduct such assessment or studies or if you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know

Nepal Effective Vaccine Management Assessment - 2017
One of the fundamental pillars for national immunization program is the immunization supply chain management and Effective Vaccine Management (EVM). One of the basic requirements for the country to identify interventions to improve the effective vaccine management system is to conduct periodic EVM assessment using standard tools. Based on the EVM assessment, an improvement plan is developed which would be the milestone indicators to assess the investment made to strengthen the EVM. In Nepal, EVM assessment was carried out from March to May 2017. The EVM assessment was conducted in four tiers. First tier was the national vaccine store (CVS), the second was the sub-national vaccine store (RMS), the third was lowest distribution center (DVS) and the fourth one was service points (Health facility).
The assessment was conducted in all sub-national vaccine store, randomly selected lowest distribution center and service points.
Sampling process was followed by data collection. For the data collection, independent enumerators were selected who had professional experience on surveys and educational qualification of health background (pharmacy, nursing and public health with minimum qualification of certificate level). Seven day intensive training sessions was provided to train the enumerators with EVM Assessment Checklist (questionnaire) generated from EVM Assessment Tool (version 1.1.0). To ensure quality of assessment, a quality assurance team was formed from center (CHD, LMD), region (RMS, RHD), and UNICEF.
The EVM assessment identified the key strengths and weaknesses in nine different areas of vaccine management at each of four levels of the vaccine supply chain, and make recommendations to address any weaknesses. The four supply chain levels were:
PR | Primary level |
SN | Sub-national level |
LD | Lowest distribution level |
SP | Service point level |
The nine areas (criteria) of vaccine management are:
E1 | Vaccine & commodity arrival procedures |
E2 | Vaccine storage temperatures |
E3 | Cold & dry storage capacity |
E4 | Buildings, CC equipment & transport |
E5 | Maintenance |
E6 | Stock management |
E7 | Effective distribution |
E8 | Good vaccine management practices |
E9 | Information systems and supportive management functions |
A systematic sample of vaccine storage facilities was surveyed and the data was collated and assessed by supply chain level.
Out of the 9 categories, 4 categories namely -vaccine & commodity arrival procedures; cold and dry storage capacity; buildings, cold chain equipment and transport and good vaccine management practices has achieved more than 80%. Among supply chain level, the EVM scores in 7 out of 9 categories in service point. The overall EVM score for 2017 is 82%.
There has been improvement in the EVM scores in 2017 from that of EVM assessment 2014. Different intervention implemented 2015-17 has been attributed to improvement in the scores. Further improvement in the scores will require significant investment in effective distribution, maintenance of the temperature in the cold chain devices and increased attention for cold chain system in the service points.
If you need such assessment in Nepal or you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know.

Nepal has achieved significant outcomes on child health, significantly reducing preventable childhood deaths in the last few decades and successfully achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As per The MDG: Final Status Report 2000-2015 (National Planning Commission, Government of Nepal, 2016), under five mortality rate (U5MR) reduced to 38 per 1000 live births (LB) in 2014 from 162 in 1990 and 91 in 2000. Similarly, infant mortality rate (IMR) reduced to 33 per 1000 LB in 2014 from 108 in 1990 and 64 in 2000. A major contributor to this success is the national immunization program, a priority one program of the Government of Nepal (GoN), which currently provides free vaccinations to over 630,000 children annually against eleven types of vaccine preventable diseases (Child Health Division / MOHP, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and WHO, 2014). However, the coverage of all basic vaccinations in the five-year period preceding the survey has shown a decrease, from 87% in 2011 to 78% in 2016 (NDHS 2016), and still 1% children are not receiving any vaccination at all. Nepal has committed to the post-MDG Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 and has developed strategies to ‘leave no one behind’ in reaching all children with full range of immunization services as per the national legislative framework and policies related to child health and immunization. Full Immunization Declaration of rural and urban municipalities and districts, a novel initiative of GoN started in 2012 and scaled up recently, is one such strategy. The concept of full immunization declaration relates to complete vaccination of all children from zero to 15 months of age according to the national schedule of immunization. The second Comprehensive Multi-Year Plan (CMYP) 2017-2021 for Immunization aims at achieving 100 percent full immunization coverage by 2021. As of mid-July 2018, 55 districts have been declared as full immunization district.
The objective of this study was to verify and validate the status of full immunization coverage in low performing districts1 through population-based estimates of the coverage of fully vaccinated children aged 12-23 months and key stakeholder consultations.
Specific objectives:
The specific objectives of the study were:
- To explore socio demographic characteristics of respondents living in the full immunization declared study districts.
- To ascertain immunization status of children aged 12 to 23 months in the study districts
- To determine status of full immunization in the study districts and full immunization declared municipalities2 .
- To appreciate the role of health facilities, local bodies and FCHVs of full immunization declared districts and municipalities.
- To understand the barriers to immunization at full immunization declared districts and municipalities.
If you want to conduct such a study or you want to help HEAL Group, Please contact

Effective Vaccine Management - Trainer's Guide (English Version)
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge- Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you need such a Stanard Operating Protocol for Vaccine Management or you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know.

Effective Vaccine Management Standard Operating Procedure - Reference Manual - 2015 (English Version)
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge- Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you want to develop such Standard Operating Procedure – Reference Manual or if you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know

Effective Vaccine Management - Standard Operating Procedure - Participants Handbook - 2015 (English Version)
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge- Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you need such a EVM SOP Participants Handbook or you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know.

Effective Vaccine Management - Trainer's Guide - Nepali - Rev 2018
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge- Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you want to develop such a manual or you want to help HEAL Group, Please contact

Effective Vaccine Management - Standard Operating Procedure - Nepali (Rev 2018)
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge– Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you need such a Stanard Operating Protocol for Vaccine Management or you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know.

Effective Vaccine Management - Stanard Operating Procedure - Participants Handbook (Nepali)
The parts of training package are mentioned below: Reference Manual: Standard Operating Procedure includes the essential information needed to the trainers. These materials will be benefitted to trainers, participants or other relevant individuals. Participant’s Hand Book: It can be used at the time of training or in working place. It consists of course syllabus, daily schedule of skilled learning, guideline of exercises, different forms, notebook, and participant’s form
Course Design
Visual materials: To make learning more effective materials such as: transparency, flipchart, Meta cards etc will be used by the trainers.
Trainer’s Guide: This is a framework to the trainers to conduct training. It consists of course syllabus, daily work schedule, trainer’s guide, learning, exercise practices, exercise forms, answer sheet of tables, midterm evaluation and answer schedule, objectives of every sessions, procedures and methods of sessions, evaluation process, training evaluation questionnaire.
Evaluation: Training evaluation is a work measure for how much knowledge, skill and attitude is gained by the participants according to the pre set objectives.
Knowledge- Score at least 85% in the Mid Term Evaluation training questionnaire.
Skills-Perform skills satisfactorily according to learning guide during exercise (observed and assessed by trainers using checklists)
Attitude- Participant’s active participation and involvement in training through observation and verbal commitment to apply the gained knowledge and skills at work area.
If you want to develop or revise a package or if you want to support HEAL Group, Please let us know

